Friday, August 12, 2011

Is it worth getting the MacBook White?

Yes, it definitely fit your needs ! If you're using MacBook for the first time, you'll be surprised how easy it is to do your daily stuffs like browsing and typing. Swiping with three fingers to go 'back' or 'forward' in Safari, two fingers to scroll up and down the window, four to switch between browsers. You'll never want to use any other laptops other than your Macbook ! However, I do not recommend Macbook for games because it's not the best machine for gaming. Simple browser games like those in Facebook will be fine. So, go ahead and buy your Macbook White ! You'll never regret your purchase !

Bronze hair to blonde hair?

so my natural color is medium brown, but right now it's kind of bronze with some blonde highlights. I actually kind of hate it, and if i bought some golden blonde home hair dye, would my hair get even more orange or would it turn the right color?

My St. Tropez bronzing came completely off when i showered, did i do something wrong?

It says to shower at least 4 hours after putting it on, i waited alittle over 4 hours, showered, and looked and i was white again. what did i do wrong?

Do Greek girls like Asian guys?

I'm backpacking in Greece now and have admired the beauty of Greek women for a omg time. I'm chinese but with a bronze tan, double eyelid with thick brows. I have caught a few greek girls stealing glance at me a few times. Maybe its because they me a few times. Maybe its because they don't see asian often. I want to know if Greek girls are receptive to dating an asian guy. Greek girls are receptive to dating an asian guy?

Why do conservatives want the budget back to 2007 levels when that did not include the wars?

To some extent I have to agree with you. So here is another way of asking for a budget reform. Let us go back to 2000 and factor in inflation only and use the last Bill Clinton budget. Liberals everywhere should be falling all over themselves on that proposal. So far though when asked this they backpedal so fast it is amusing to watch.

Do you think the boppy pillow is worth it.?

am ordering some stuff for our baby (i am 28 weeks) and am thinking of buying the boppy however it is �40 and we are on a budget, is it really worth it?

Are there sites where I can download textboks?

I missed my chance to get my Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes Bronze at my school and I needed to rent this book for my summer school which I paid 450$ for the class. Is there a way to download some pages?

About how mush does a round trip to France cost?

I really want to visit France and England, Where should i look to see how much are the tickets? Hotels? Please , anything will help Merci beaucoup!

Iphone 4 stabilizing?

is there some sort of attatchment that will help me stabilize my iphone 4's video? id like it to be no more than $200 if possible, also i like the wheel shaped stabilizer for proffessional shots or the rectangular frame with handles but like i said i am on a budget, also i cant build my own since i dont fully understand how the stabilizers work. i need one that it will be easy to move with as i am filming action scenes, parkour and free running. thanks ahead!

Present for cousin's first wedding anniversary?

Hi my cousin is 23 years old her husband is 28. Next month they'll have been married for 1 year. I'd love to get them something personalised but I want it to be something they'll like. I know it's paper but things like calendars aren't very interesting especially as they probably already have one. Any ideas? My budget is I guess up to �25 (about $40)

How to remove a spray tan?

Okay, so yesterday I used L'OREAL's Sublime Bronze Salon Airbrush on my legs. Well, for some reason, only my feet are really tan, my ankles, and some patches on the backs of my legs so now it looks like I have some skin disease. :( Anyways, is there a cheap way to remove this stuff? Thanks!

Hello, I'm french and is that sentence correct ?

My favourite actor is James Dean. For me, he is all the more captivating, as he expresses his thoughts through his leading roles. He expresses his feeling of the delicate situation in which all teens and young people have to cope (with).

Makeup ideas please ! :D?

i use dinair airbrush makeup and i love their stuff! they actually let me email in my picture and then they just told me which of their shades to made it super easy. i have been using their makeup for a super long time now and it is great! it covers up everything and it makes my skin look flawless...and it is also all water based so its not bad for my skin because it doesnt clog my in love with their makeup !

Ways to get tan.....?!!?

I am very very white and I also have freckles. I have tried tanning bed, Maui babe suntan lotion, bronze voyage tanning lotion and clinique self tanner. None of them work. Everytime I get in the sun I just burn and it never tans. Any suggestions?

Why does the professor blush when Elizabeth ask him the difference between decolletage and decollete in The lu?

I looked it up in google translate and it said Decolletage means cutting and decollete is the neckline! THat makes no sense. Why are these people so snobbish! So I just guessed that it was wrong and was wondering if you all knew, the people that speak French better than me or the people who has read it, If you need help, it's on page 35. Merci beaucoup mes amis!

I need help conjugating a french verb!?

Have a french project on a unicorn xD and i need help conjugating some irregular verbs! Can anyone help me conjugate "cro�tre" (to grow) and if not, give me a good website that will help me with that? Or if anyone is good with french, can they help me translate this phrase? (don't use any internet translators or anything because i can easily tell if they're wrong) "like a horse, but with a slender, usually spiral, horn growing out of its forehead." Merci beaucoup!!

Can someone who is fluent in French help correct my sentences? (Part 4)?

I don't know why some people voted down for "G" because i am French and that sounded right. Anyways my opinion, listen to either "G" or Raymond

Comment souvent utilise-on le pass� compos� du participe pr�sent en Fran�ais?

It's quite common in formal French, or in the better French books, newspapers and magazines. You won't find it a lot in the French "Marie Claire" or "Paris Match", but you will in "Le Point" or "L'Express".

What was your prom budget?

Im trying to decide on a set budget i have already picked a dress and it will end up costing like 800 so i need to budget this correctly.

What gauge acoustic guitar strings should i get?

guitar strings are really down to the person. D'Addario make great strings, not my choice (i use Ernie Ball) but what ever you like. The string gauge is also really down to the person, do remember if your guitar is set up for 9s (normally the standard for most new guitars) ur guitar might have to be adjusted for a lower Gauge. If you like the Gauge you already have on, there no point in changing them.

What are these light patches on my skin....?

i am asking again seeing as my skin condition cant be vitiligo or tinea versicolor because it looks absolutely nothing like those other conditions, i have very small and very round white spots all across my body, i have worried about it being vitiligo but when i compare myself to pictures on google, they dont look alike, vitiligo tends to be large wavy ripped like edged patches which spread quite quickly where as mine have stayed the same size, shape i think they might tan too, i am mixed race (half ghanaian, half english) and i tan very easily and when i do i tend to go a bronze like colour and im not tottally sure but i believe that the spots get darker with my skin, do i have skin cancer? do i have a fungus from using the same towel more than once? i really need answers, also sometimes its as if my skin is sort of changing, sometimes in the day the spots on my arms arent noticealbe at all, right now as i write this i can hardly see them, im scared :/

French language translation help please?

mon chien est tr�s f�ch�. Il vient de finir son d�ner. Il avait d�j� mang� avant de finir le reste de la viande. Quelque fois il casasit la verre d'orange. La fen�tre �tait toujours ouverte. Le chien essayerait la fermer mais il avait pas de la forte � r�parer le flacon. Apr�s avoir fini son d�ner, il peutais sentir son bo�te de pocheurs. La voisine avait beaucoup des probl�mes. Sa jambe �tait tr�s vielle avec des pi�ces tout plac�es. Sa jambe �taitt tr�s fonc� avec quelque des boutons plac�es. Elle avait les cheveux tr�s clairs et avec l'air comme la t�ch� de lait compliqu�.

Whats the best bike in my budget (Rs.45K -50K), Passion Pro / Honda Shine?

I want to purchase a bike which is safer to road, mileage, service and maintenance, which is the best one? My selections are Hero Honda Passion Pro and Honda Shine and my budget is 45k-50k. Give me a best answer.

Will cinnamon lighten my hair?

My hair is chocolate brown with natural bronze and blonde highlights. I don't wanna damage my hair anymore by dyeing it lighter, so I looked up natural ways. Is it true that if you mix equal parts of cinnamon and conditioner that it will lighten your hair? If so, how much does it lighten hair? How much lighter would my hair be? Do I have to do it a few times? Is it gradual? I am going to leave it on overnight. :) Thanks!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Iphone 4 stabilizing?

is there some sort of attatchment that will help me stabilize my iphone 4's video? id like it to be no more than $200 if possible, also i like the wheel shaped stabilizer for proffessional shots or the rectangular frame with handles but like i said i am on a budget, also i cant build my own since i dont fully understand how the stabilizers work. i need one that it will be easy to move with as i am filming action scenes, parkour and free running. thanks ahead!

Will Repubs stop this budget stuff so welfare office workers can be increased when I go?

Not certain what welfare office you go to but California is in pretty serious budget crisis (you see, it is a Democrat controlled state and all such states are almost bankrupt) For now, you may have to wait in line. I believe Obama does want to increase the size of government at all levels so just keep the faith and know "yes we can, yes we can" and add "soak the evil rich, soak the evil rich, take their jets, take their jets." OK?

Is this computer a good deal?

Yes, pretty good deal overall... but I would go with sandy bridge i5-2500k and go for a Western Digital Black 1TB HD, not a seagate fan

My spray on tan didint work?

I bought some l'oreal sumblime bronze and i used it one day and now like it looks like i have patches of me which i didint spray. do you guys think i should buy l'oreal creme? tan thingy or just spray myself again today?

Do greek girls like asian chinese?

I'm backpacking I'm Greece now and have admired the beauty of Greek women for a lomg time. I'm chinese but with a bronze tan, double eyelid with thick brows. I have caught a few greek girls stealing glance at me a few times. Maybe its because they don't see asian often. I want to know if Greek girls are receptive to dating an asian guy.

What websites have really cheap clothes for people on a budget?

My mom is making me buy my own clothes with my own money for school next year. When I say cheap I mean shirts being 5 maybe 10 or 15 bucks and pants like 20 maybe 30 bucks. Also I don't like real baggy pants. I think I'm a size 40. If its possible. Make sure the shirts have designs on them, not just a plain color. Thanks

Can someone help me with my lawn?

We just moved into a house where the lawn was not properly cared for. Now there are clovers all over the lawn, and small weeds. I feel like there are more weeds than grass. The grass is brown in places and needs a lot of help! I want it to look a lot better next summer but we have to do this all on our on, no hiring any one and preferably do this on a budget. If anyone can give me tips that would be great! :)

I want to start dressing better?

I would try shopping with friend, so they can help you choose a style that is more you, and try New Look (if you know of one), as they do some awesome clothes, and are not that expensive.

Transferred a car into my name and still haven't received pink slip.?

I bought this car months ago and immediately put it in my name. This was in March and I have yet to receive the pink slip. I know the last time I had to wait for a pink slip it didn't take this long. Should I go back to the dmv? I heard some people say it takes longer due to budget cuts. But not this long right?

Any cheap party ideas for a teen?

I'm going to turn 14 in July. This is the first birthday party I'm going to remember. I would like it to be memorable and fun! And....On a budget. Also we don't have a lot of space and our backyard is a mess. I'm going to invite 4-5 people. I have some cute and fun ideas but I still have to talk to my parents about it. (Painting glasses with nail polish.) Our town isn't really big. The next town over is bigger. There's bowling alleys and things like that. My dad suggested the boardwalk. If yo Yahooers can help me out by giving me AFFORDABLE party ideas, I would be so grateful. xoxo Thanks for your help!! :):):)

Is it worth going on an exercise bike?

Try this... hammer it on the exercise bike for 2 minutes, jump off and do 40 deep squats (or as many as you can handle)... back on the bike for 2mins maximum pace... then lunges on both legs... repeat until exhausted... probably about 20 minutes if you push yourself. Be a better leg workout than just cycling... hope this helps.

Can someone tell me what case is see through without the places for a fan to go?

as instead of a fan i am going to have a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a for £100 or less as of my budget

How to make brown eyes pop?

try using a brown eyeshadow set, maybe for like a smoky-eye look. There is also the Eye-Brightening Mascara from Covergirl for brown eyes that you can get. Hope this helps :)

Best headset/headphones for...?

hah i like mostly all the music you like (well just Skrillex, Deadmau5 and Disturbed) but if i were you i would have to either go with Astro A40s or Astro In-Ear headsets. The astro A40's are 270 U.S. dollars but they are great for Xbox, Ps3, & music. But they aren't built for bass. I would recommend them for gaming though. Music, I would get the in-ear headphones. those I believe are built for bass.

What is the best concealer for Combination/dry skin?

I recommend Maybelline's concealer sticks, they work really well for covering blemishes and pimples.

Bokken swords: cold steel vs. wooden?

Me and my friend are having this Zombie-apocalypse survival kit making contest, so by the end of it we can have people vote on who they think would survive longest. I've chosen a wooden sword/bokken as my main weapon, because one: I am a HUGE anime fan and thus like Japanese swords a lot, two it seems light to hold and to be low maintenance, and three it seems like it would be a decent weapon. But reading the reviews on these swords on Amazon, it seems that these things are not unbreakable. I have around 20$ left in my budget. I can either buy two wooden bokkens ( , or one cold steel bokken( ) . Honestly though, I don't think a wooden bokken would fall apart from brains/skull-smashing alone(zombie apocalypse, remember?). BUT a steel one is obviously more durable and can be used to break stuff, also doesn't rot like wood sometimes might. I'm leaning towards the wooden ones right now mainly because the wooden ones have cord-wrapped handles, which I like a lot(and the second one would go great with my shinigami cosplay), and I get two. What do you guys think? which one should I get?

Is this french phrase correct?

yes, poutres is right - since all buildings have some sort of beams holding them up, but you can't always see them, you might want to say "exposed beams" - poutres apparentes

Pourquoi les heures du shabbat sont-elles beaucoup plus tardives en France qu'en Isra�l?

En France, au mois de juin, les heures de fin du shabbat vont jusqu'� 23:03 ce qui est vraiment tr�s tard. A contrario, en Isra�l, m�me � cette saision-ci, elles restent dans un cr�neau "raisonnable" c'est-�-dire vers 20:00, heure locale. Avec le d�calage horaire, cela fait 19:00 heure fran�aise. Il y a donc une �norme diff�rence de plusieurs heures. Comment expliquez vous cette diff�rence?

Why do people think its bad to interracialy date?

im mixed and i live in a white town and i asked out lots of girls and they all turn me down couse im 25%black i dont understand im were both childs of god we both were born in america we both bleed red, and my skin tone is more bronze than it is quote black or dark color so whats wrong with me huh

Which computer to buy?

Im planning to buy a new computer. I'm confused whether to get a mac or alien ware or a normal pc. The budget is abt 75 k or less...

Which smartphone to buy?

Iphone 4 boasts a 10 megapixel camera, I believe. Thats better than what a lot of point-and-shoot camers offer.

Does anyone know any good animal behavior books/websites for animal control officers?

I have recently joined the ranks of animal control officers in the state of Texas and am kind of new to the whole field. I am looking for good resources for officers like myself and am having a very difficult time with it. There are several cat and dog behavior books on the market, but they are geared more towards pet owners, not officers like myself. I just want to do the best job I can, and don't have the money for the expensive trainings that are offered. My job will be getting us all more training, but it is not until the budget for this year. Any good recommendations?

How can I tell how old my turkeys are?

I bought 5 turkeys and would like to know how to tell their age. I would ask the people who sold them, but they have since moved and changed their number. They aren't fully mature yet, and they don't gobble, but they are pretty big (at least twice the size of our large rooster). I'm guessing they are around 3 months. How much would a 3 month old Broad Brested Bronze weigh?

I don't know if I should be religious or not religious?

You need to decide what matters most to you. What makes the most sense. And you can choose to believe in both God and science. Science is only the search for truth. So saying you don't believe in science would just be idiotic. If God is the truth then someday science will find that. Ignoring science means you believe they will prove God doesn't exist and you are afraid of that. So if you don't believe in science, you don't believe in God either.

POLLS: is graduating off the Bronze Honour roll still good?

almost everyone is on gold and silver. but me and some people are on bronze. everyones parents are gunna see me on bronze FML even mine.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where should I spend my 21st birthday? (Las Vegas, New Orleans or Miami)?

Okay, just to give you a little more detail. I will be turning 21 in May of 2012. Im an African American female student at Penn State and my friends (about 4-8 other females) and I like a wide range of music. House, Hip Hop, Rock and John Mayer-y type of music suits us (As far as clubs go). We are mostly on a tight budget (Luckily our hotel is paid for) So I'm looking for a place that offers a variety of things to do at affordable prices and also is pretty easy to get around (i.e. Public Trans or Most things in walkable or taxi-able distance) I don't drink but my friends do, So affordable drinks would be great also :) Thank you!!

What do i need for a basic subwoofer setup in my car?

I'm getting 2 BOSS CX124DVC 12". 3000 total peek power, 1500W RMS. I have a pretty limited a budget.

If you had to make 10 names out of these names, what would you choose?

Umm anyone who has any combination of these names will probably get shot at a public school lol. Just saying. If I walked into a public school and said "My name is Enzo Jaid (last name)" then every skinhead in the back of the class would be pulling their switch blades.

We would be working in Alreem towers in Deira, and want a residence near it budget about 3000-4000dhms p/m?

We are a family 3, one infant..looking for a 1BHK accommodation with A/C and kitchen , please suggest nearby affordable decent places near AL reem towers. Also we are looking for reliable infant creches for our baby. and do we need to pay agency fees. I went to this website , however people are asking for cheques for 6 months...can anyone please provide me reliable information for Deira.

Do I have a shot at ucsd and ucla?

Well you'll be a very good applicant for both UCLA and UCSD, you'll probably get into UCSD, its a little easier to get into(but really competitive still) and with your stats, I would say you'll get in. UCLA on the other hand is harder to get into but you seem like you could get in, although really with both of these universities your more than qualified although at the same time a lot of other people are too, so it can go either way there no definite here. Although what I can say for sure is that you'll without a doubt get into multiple of the other UCs, and you have a very good shot at UCLA and UCSD. With you SAT, if you can take it again in the fall although depending on the time when your submitting your application, you might not have your scores back/ready because the next test date is October 1st, I would say take it again see how you do,you aren't too far from a 2000.

New computer build graphics issue.?

I build a computer the other day, a budget gaming rig. The parts are: AMD Phenom II x4 955, 4gb Kingston HyperX Blu, Seagate 250gb 7200rpm (just a spare drive I had), DiabloTek DA 600w, ASRock 870 Extreme3, Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and nVidia 8400gs PCI. The issue is with the graphics card. I have absolutely no intention of using this for long, a Radeon 6870 is in the mail, but as it's not working well now I'd like it fixed. What it's doing is pretending the video card has no drivers. I installed the drivers from nVidias site (195.62) and the nVidia Control Panel is apparently operational, I can switch screens and change settings, and even OC the card with RivaTuner. Aero even works, but there are these tiny things that point to it not working. In DXDiag, it says that it is running DirectX 11, when the card is DX10, and when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del, the screen draws from the top down rather slowly, and the in-game performance (or lack thereof :D ) is rather sloppy even for the 8400's usual s**tiness. What is it doing wrong? BTW my monitors are 1440x900 and 1920x1080.

White men think colored girls are ugly??

hi. im a 17 year old girl and im considered to be bronze like halle berry, beyonce, and tyra banks. i have extremely curly but thick course hair and brown eyes, im also medium built size 5 and average b cup teen, so males...the big question. y dont most white males like black women. im colombian,african american, and italian. im very curious as to y white men dont like us colored women. is it our skin, hair and lips. is it because were not as fragile looking as a white woman?. im actually in a relationship of 2 years and my boyfriends white,(im not picky about color) he is. i asked him if he likes black women he said not really. and i said well your with me and he replied. your an exception because its rare to find an exotic attractive black woman, i didnt get mad because it was his opinion. so men why arent u attracted to black women. is it because of our label of loudmouth angry women. (which isn't entirely true) all honesty is excepted.

Why Do Christians Continue to Say Someone Who Says God Isn't Real Is a Fool...?

Well it is true. The Bible calls you senseless (Psalms 14:1). The thing is, is that Jehovah hides things from the wise and intellectual (Matthew 11:25). For you have to be meek to inherit the earth (Psalms 37:29). You don't see what is right in front of you. Everything good comes from God. Everything bad that happens around you either comes from man or Satan. And all these good things you see and do not see are a marvel of engineering. They all show Jehovah's power, love, ,and justice.

Is there an age restriction for volunteering to work in Charity Shops?

I am doing my bronze award for Duke of Edinburgh, and one of the aspects of the award is volunteering work. I must spend one hour every week doing volunteering work, so I have been looking at charity shops in my area, eg, Oxfam. Is there an age restriction for working in a charity shop? (I'm 13 years old)

What kind of haircut do you think is better for me?

I got my hair cut short with bangs and I HATED it. I thought "oh ill look so nice with a change in my hair" but no. I hated how it framed my face, and how I couldnt do ANYTHING I used to with it. I have black hair and tan skin too. I think you should look at a bunch of long hair haircuts, and youll see how much youll miss out on if you cut it too short.

Is this grammatically correct (french)?

Excellent. A few things though: I would say: ma cuisine est de couleur blanche. Also: beaucoup de cuisine... (la) is not necessary here. Sentence 2: chaise: chair. Couches: divans. Sentence 4: Il y a (une) grande table.

Can someone help me correct my french sentences?

It seems right to me, you have the right tenses, and infinitives after all future tenses - well done! All the accents seem to be in the right places, are you sure your teacher said you got anything wrong, maybe she just wanted you to check it?

What is a good budget 500 watt amp?

I need a 500 watt amplifier but I'm on a tight budget, im looking for something under $200 but will still work with my two 12" subs, the run 225 rms and 450 peak watts, any ideas?

Where to post an ad for a hostel located in Quebec for customers in France?Ou afficher des annonces gratuites?

Canada isn't a great place that French would want to be. The government is anti-Quebecois and the government has clearly showed it by shutting them out on many occasions.

Cooking recipes when you have little money?

I'm a single mother on Centrelink payments. I'm looking for recipes on a very tight budget. (I'm not looking for judgement just advise) Thank you!

What are the best bicycles to get?

I'm 26 of age what is a good road Bike an a little bit of trail not a lot, an what size bike do i need since I'm 6' 2'? Also i would like to get a Mountain bike in case i go to the extreme trails an really get down an dirty.. I hear the word 29er alot what is exactly meant by 29er is it better or something ? My budget is 950.00 for a hybrid an for a mountain bike 2,700 what is the best brand bike ? what speed bike should i get as well

Girls do you think i am a good person?

I want to from your point of view if i am a good person. I am in the USCG . no criminal history i don't do drugs or cuss at all . i haven't had any bad grades since 5th grade.. Straight A and B student. i am single . i have been through alot of bad times.. basically dealing with death. saving people takes alot out of you and you finally start to think life is very valuable. All of my brothers that have been in the armed forces have died . i am only one left.. i should be on that move Saving Private Ryan .. I miss them a lot . I never really knew most of my brothers until they came back dead . most of them got the silver star and bronze star and some other medals...

How to get fake tan not streaky?

im a irish dancer and I'm going to nationals so my legs have to be like a bark (ok well not that dark, but pretty dark) color. and every time i put fake tan on it always streaks sooo bad! i have tried putting it on thick, thin, waiting for it to dry before putting on another coat, not waiting for it to dry to put on another coat, putting on one layer one day the next layer the other day. i have tried everything! and it still streaks. i used loreal sublime bronze gel and the dark lotion. also the BE faux tan. and i really dont want a spray tan. what can i do?

I am in the process of buying a house, and?

None of what you said sticks with me except for the part where you say you need to use your credit card to buy groceries. If I am wrong, I will apologize in advance, but it sounds like you are living paycheck to paycheck... I'm am concerned with your financial position and the concept of buying a home in the near future. I would suggest reworking your figures to see what you can really afford; if you're living paycheck to paycheck now, just wait until you're a homeowner.

HELP WITH FRENCH! Native speakers' help needed.?

Malheuresement , nous avons du faire la queue ( in front of ?) devant le restaurant car il y avait beaucoup de monde .

Where can i get a commerical utility truck in south bay?

I been looking for the trucks that the city sells in auctions. I know ken porter auctions has some but not the one that I want. My budget is less than 10k and I'm looking for a white truck, year 2000 or newer. 4 wheels on the back(dully I think)

What videogame should I get!?!?

Wow that's tough, I'm getting Ac Revelations, Halo 4, Halo Ce, and Mw3. Saints later. But I'd go with Saints Row I think it has a longer story line and more game play.

As a consumer moves along an indifference curve:?

(D). Indifference curves have the same utility from different bundles of consumption. It's like an "isoutility curve."

Shouldn't movies be shot with a movie camera?

like, you see these low budget films and they just can't draw you in. i think it's because they don't look like movies. So shouldn't movies be shot with a movie camera?

What is a good tanning lotion with golden/bronze effect?

Does anyone know either a tanning oil or lotion to put on while tanning and I want it to have a gold/bronze effect ??

Which is worse: Be super pale or get a fake tan?

I dont think there's anything wrong with self tanners, they can give you nice color without damaging your skin in the sun. DEFINITELY try the St. Tropez!! I've heard really good things about it but since you have super pale skin just be careful in the application process so it wont look streaky or fake (:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Exercises to do at home ?

I'm about 20 pounds over weight and I'm going to be moving to Colorado to go to school next summer and I want to lose the weight but tone most importantly what can I do at home to achieve this? Also I wanna go to a gym but it's not within my budget at this time. Thanks!

Did Obama manage to up his golfing weekends to 14 straight? I'd hate to think those pesky economy/budget? me one person who has the job as stressful as te president and not take time out for himself......first of all i do not think he went 14 straight weeks....hell as much as i hate bush i did not ding him for golfing.....when you work as much as the president you can take a few hours out of your busy week and do something to mellow you out....not one person in this room can say that they work as much and has a more stressful job then the president....but i bet every last one of you in this room can say that you took time for yourself to just relax.....and why even go to the meetings when the damn CONS won't even take the negotiations seriously.......i know i would not waste my time....jus sayin

Fluent French speakers? How do you say this sentence?

Honn�tement, pour l'instant, je ne voudrais pas vivre ailleurs et qu'importe o� je voyagerais dans ma vie: Nottinghamshire sera toujours chez moi (or "ma maison" but i prefer "chez moi").

Question about road bikes?

I'm 26 of age what is a good road Bike an a little bit of trail not a lot, an what size bike do i need since I'm 6' 2'? Also i would like to get a Mountain bike in case i go to the extreme trails an really get down an dirty.. I hear the word 29er alot what is exactly meant by 29er is it better or something ? My budget is 950.00 for a hybrid an for a mountain bike 2,700 what is the best brand bike ?

Which is your favorito gymnasio? Qual' es su favorite gym?

Gold's, Bally's, 24 HR Fit, etc. Et pour qua? I am liking Gold's much now lately. Musica Buena. Je me place parce'que il a beaucoup de musique disco!! : ) Je l'aime parler/ecriter francais.

Is MAC bronzing powder good and what MAC brush would you use with it?

you could buy a great imitation of mac brushes, they are very similar quality but much cheaper, i alredy got all my collection.

How do I stretch new riding boots?

I just bought a pair of Saxon Equileather Boots in size 10, extra wide calf. I went to the nearest Dover Saddlery store about 30mins away and tried on a 10 regular, and the employee said that an extra wide calf should fit me just fine with a comfortable amount of room for jodphurs and breeches underneath the boot....anyways to the main subject of i put the boots on with my Ariat boot socks and what do i discover...the zipper goes up like 65% of my calf and WON'T BUDGE...i'm tallking a jet airplane could not pull up the zipper. Extra wide is the biggest calf made in any type of riding boot Ariat, Dublin, TuffRider, Cadence (discluding custom made boots) do i scretch the leather where it goes around my calf completely? the boots fit fine in the foot,'s just at that one spot on my calves that the zipper won't go over. i most likely will start showing in september, and i really don't want to have to get paddock boots because i'm not a fan of them, and when i purchase half chaps for them, i'll just have the same problem all over again because my calves are huge from being in marching band, and im also a somewhat plus sized rider. i don't want to purchase custom boots because i'm on a tight budget and they're like $800.

Help with recording guitar Amp to PC?

According to the info at Peavey (biased of course but they did build it after all) it sounds like with the USB output and the bundled Reaper software it's a turn key package. As long as the software drivers play nice with others it sounds like it isn't a big deal. A bonus would be if the USB drivers are fully compliant with the API so other software looking for USB audio devices will detect the Vypyr so you have more options than just the Peavey in house software. Unfortunately it doesn't have analog line out so if the USB digital sound doesn't suit your taste your'e kind of stuck. The reviews are generally pretty good on it though. Whenever I see these new amps I get a good laugh at how far things have come. I still have my Fender Priceton Chorus (US red knob) and first generation Roland VG-8 that most anything now blows away.

Which of these is correct?

Just accept that the French like to use articles in such expressions. The French always use articles in front of country names, e.g. La France, L'Angleterre, L'Australie.

Back to school shopping on a low budget?

I only have about $200- $250 to spend, and I've outgrown most of my clothes from last year- I need suggestions on where I can find cheap, cute shirts, cheap skinny jeans, etc. Oh, and any stores that sell cheap (under $30?) but cute backpacks or messenger bags. Thanks :)

My friend wants me to plant his bachelor party, what do I do?

Whenever I plant bachelor Parties I don't go through all that trouble...just a little water, and soil.

Best semi-permanent red hair color?

I want to dye my hair a nice light red color like amy adams or bonnie wright but i can't find a good semi-permanent color. please help! also budget is tight so only drugstore brands or inexpensive products. thanks so much!!

Does this make sense in French?

It does make sense but there is no need to say "aide et donne beaucoup", which is slightly agrammatical since the two verbs don't have the same construction. "Aide beaucoup l'industrie" is enough. Moreover you should add a pronominal form between � and �tre in order to say "elle continuera � l'�tre".

If I apply bronzing mousse to my face,will I break out?

I have the St.Tropez bronzing mousse and im wondering if I apply that over my face will I break out?

Best budget digital camera with fast shutter speed?

Hi,I am just wondering what the best digital camera is with a fast shutter speed for around $300. I currently have a 10.1 megapixel Sony Cybershot, but I have missed really good shots because the shutter speed is so slow. Any advice would be wonderful!

What are some fun things to do in los angeles, more like what locals do?

I am going down there soon, and need to find things to do, not touristy, like visit disneyland or universal studios, but more like any summer concerts, free comedy, tv shows that 15 years olds can go to, tickets to shows, markets, etc. What do locals do down there and for cheap or free if possible. I am on a very low budget and I can't go surfing, clubbing, etc or anything expensive. Please Help, I have no idea what to do down there for a week.

Do i wear too much makeup?

Nope not at all, your makeup is fine. Also ignore the people commenting that you should wear foundation or tinted moisturizer. Foundation is a definite no go because it becomes cakey very easily and gives you bad breakouts trust me here i am speaking from experience. By all means wear tinted moisturizer if you have bad skin, but if you have good skin and want to keep it that way don't put anything on it except moisturizer :) xx

Laptop or Netbook for Communting College Student?

Probably the best thing to do would be to get a notebook. it's generally smaller than a laptop but a little bigger than a netbook. I got my notebook refurbished from ebay for aboutt $120.

House is bugged,Was Sent A Recorded CD of My Voice, Now What Do I Do?

My sister found a CD next to her door and thought it was an old music CD. Put it in the player and it was a recorded conversation she had a few days ago in the house. It isn't the phone because on the recording when she left the room , you couldn't hear her anymore. Should she call the police? The FBI? How do we find the bug? (On a budget) Thinks it might be in her computer but not sure. Thinks she might know who did it but is not sure. Doesn't know who sent her the CD.

What do you think of my poem?

Excellent.Best poem.You should join the Poetic Society Of Ireland.You really are excellent at poetry.

Could you please recommend a cleaner for Bronze and Rosewood cutlery? (Tableware)?

Make a paste of baking powder or baking soda and lemon juice, apply to a cloth or papertowel and rub onto the bronze. If very heavily stained then I would use brass polish to remove tarnish then apply the lemon/soda paste. Rinse clean in hot water with a dash of washing-up liquid.

In starcraft 2 should I be watching my units or my base?

I pretty much watch my units when they're in battle, but one of my friends who is slightly better than me hardly ever watches his units, he makes more buildings and just sends his units out on attack orders without much micro. I'm a very low level player (26 bronze) but I'm curious because I usually micro when in battle and don't build many structures during that time but I'm still producing units with hotkeys so I'm wondering if it's advantageous for me to do some micro or just send troops out on attack orders and focus on macro at my base? I know eventually I will need to do both but I'm not that quick right now so which one is more important when in the middle of battle, making more structures, or controlling units?

Worth to upgrade or buy new pc?

You might be able to upgrade for cheaper if you can do the work yourself, but unless you really know what you're doing it's gonna cost you to get it upgraded by a pro or you'll have to get a friend/family member to do it for you. New PCs tend to cost less than the labour many pc guys would charge.

I like to sell scrap copper wire, copper pipe,aluminum, bronze and steel?

It doesn't sound as if you actually want to create an ongoing business concern, where you'd be buying and selling scrap. Call around to local / regional scrap metal companies for the best "bid" price for each of the metals (let them know how much you've got, you may get a better price) and sell the metal to them. You would just be their customer, so you would not need any kind of permit.

Brown stuff on the sides of my Dalmatian Molly?

Is the fish bowl dirty? Because maybe I think that there's brown stuff around your bowl and your fish has been rolling in it.

Is my power supply going to do it?

well gtx 550ti can run on that power supply .. but in the future if you fit in more parts like speakers , webcams etc then you might face a problem .. so just to be on the safe side get a cooler master or corsair 550 or 600 watt power supply ...

Which is better Bold or Curve?

I'm on a budget. I know the Bold cost more so I was going to go with the Curve. But people say that the Bold is better all around.Should I stick with the Curve or go with the Bold? Help me choose. Thanks.

Can I build this computer?

All the hardware sounds sweet. Have you thought of a liquid cooling system? You didn't say which OS you'll use either. Good luck.

I m 19 yr old....m 5.8in height....and m nly 39 kg....i wnt 2 gain weight......nd become fat too....plz sujjes?

plz sujjest some some natural remidies...........i came 4m a middle class sujjest me sumthng dat cmes in my budget..........plzplzplz i need ur hlp........

What is the perfect gift for my mom?

My mom is turning 50 and I want to get her something amazing that she will remember for the rest of her life. I want it to be something heartfelt and not necessarily just a material "thing." I really want to show her how much I love her but am on a budget. I'll take any suggestions but I'm looking for the perfect gift to say thanks for raising me.

Do I have a warm or cool undertone?

I think you are more warm undertone. Probably an NC in MAC, but I'm not positively sure. The best way to find what undertone you have is to go to any MAC counters or stores and ask them to test you out on this. Or I think you can email MAC cosmetics and describe this to them and wait to see their answer.

Looking for a laptop for university student?

what are your needs?are you just using it for basic things or do you need it for more demanding programs for your major?

Where can i find out the name/model of some bronze coloured nike trainers i had about 10 years ago?

im tring to buy a pair of trainers the same as i had about 10 years ago,is there a site with pictures and details on to look through

Is there such thing as a tanning oil or sunscreen that can make you have a brighter tan?8?

I have like a beyonce colored skin tone and i really want to know if theres a sunscreen or tanning sunscreen that can make me tan brighter instead of darker ? Not bronze like a snooki look, more glowing i wood say so i tan less dark

Old Sci-Fi Pilot episode?

I can remember the name, but I think it came out in the late 90s. It was one of those deep space sci-fi shows. The pilot for the show actually aired on tv but as far as i know there was never another episode for it. All i can remember about it is the mechanic character, for the ship, had a cyber arm. If i remember right it looked a little low budget.

Help Me PLEASE!!! Thanks?

homework huh.. and not all that difficult either. I am very willing to explain whatever you don't understand, but doing your homework for you won't teach you anything. So.. have a go at it yourself and ask help for things you can;t figure out. I am sure you can look up all of these in your textbook or grammar book.

How to say in French?

'Un nouveau lotissement est une mauvaise idee parce que seront limite d'espaces verts pour le moment et beaucoup de les abres devront etre coupes' ------ is this correct for 'The new housing estate is a bad idea because we have limited green space at the moment and many trees will have to be cut down.'??

Name of a Metal Band?

I'm not sure if "Alestorm" is the band you're looking for, but when you mentioned an album depicting a hero and swords i thought of their album cover for "Black Sails at Midnight" (although i do know that the character(s) is/are pirates lol). A track on that album, "Pirate Song", has the lyrics, "...I once had the heart of a lion..." and the fact that the band fits into the genre you described has me thinking they're what you looking for. But again, i really don't know (: hope i helped anyway.

What are good restaurants in Santa Cruz?

My boyfriend and I are going on a short little getaway to Santa Cruz in a couple weeks, staying at the Continental Inn near the Beach Boardwalk. I've been trying to look up good restaurants near there but all I'm getting is fine dining. I want cool, casual, little known places with good food. It doesn't necessarily have to be walking distance; we'll have our car with us. Just little food joints, that sort of thing. I'm sure we'll go out to dinner, fancy, at least one night but we're on a budget and casual little hangouts are what I'm looking for. Any help you guys can give will be GREAT!

Vehicle problems and insurence questions?

My vehicle was hit at a motel 6 motel by a budget rental truck and the guy dident have insurance and buget rental told me that they only cover there truck and the back of my truck is all messed up and i have AAA insurance if i ask them to fix my truck will they go up on my insurance? Even tho i wasn't in my Vehicle at the time of the incident?

Monday, August 8, 2011

What are some low cost countries to vacation in?

i'd like to travel abroad, but i'm on a serious budget. where can i go that might be fun or beautiful, but won't set me back too much?

Are these parts going to work in harmony?

As long as you have the 6-pin PCI-E power connector for the video card on that power supply sure it will work fine.

My 1 year anniversary with my girlfriend!?

Im looking for a place to eat with my girlfriend for our one year anniversary thats coming up VERY soon. I live in NY and idk any good eats that are in my budget...($50-$100) Please help

What Shoes with my Prom Dress?!:S?

You should wear Paris Hilton Women's Senorita Pump to match with your above dress.It's beautiful shoes.Satin or lace-covered satin upper in an evening dress pump style with a round, open toe. A curvaceous silhouette features a softly sculpted collar and vamp, cupped heel and cutout inner arch, a sculptural looped satin bow embellishment creates an extravagant finish.

Does anyone have a set up like this?

Change your PSU to Corsair. They are more reliable and stable. If you wanna save a bit you can reduce your RAM to 2x4GB. 8GB RAM is good enough.

If you have more assets than liabilities, do you need external financing? I think I have this backwards!?

If a company is projecting a budget and in the projection there are more assets than total liabilities and equity, do they need financing? It seems to me that do not, but I always get these things backwards.

Nars madly blush or nars casino blush?

nars madly blush or nars casino blush for a bronzer for nc 40 skin type what one would look better i do not want anything dark make me look muddy but i want the light perfect bronze shimmer like or should i get mac trace gold .

What is the difference between these two processors.?

The AMD processor has six cores running at 3.2GHz each, which gives you a total of 19.2GHz of processing power. The Intel processor only has four cores which run at 3.3GHz (3.7GHz with TurboBoost); this gives you a processing power of 13.2GHz (14.8GHz with TurboBoost). As far as value goes, the AMD processor is by far more powerful, and is much less money. The Intel processor takes 95w of power, while the AMD processor takes 125w of power. That isn't a ton of power diference, just a reminder to make sure sure you have the extra 30w in your PSU. The main difference in these two processors is their manufacturers. Intel and AMD are the most notable manufacturers for CPUs. Make sure you pick the right motherboard for whichever processor you purchase; LGA 1155 for the Intel CPU and AM3 for the AMD CPU.

Renting from Budget the Cadillac SRX?

Last year In July I was able to rent the Cadillac SRX from Budget for 7 days for $300, including the tax. Is this possible anymore? for some reason I cannot find on the site where you can pick the car you want to rent and the classes seem to have changed.

What kind of legends could be created from a tsunami in the bronze age?

Pretty much the entirety of Genesis from Noah's Ark to much of Exodus can be attributed to such a cataclysm which to a population of relatively unscientific people would have to be seen in terms of gods etc rather than earth science.

Should I buy Intel or AMD?

I have been reading about which processor I should buy. The websites say that if I want the fastest processor out there, I should buy Intel, but if I am on a budget I should buy AMD. The problem is that on almost every website, in the comments people say that AMD will be out of business soon because they can't keep up with Intel. Should I avoid AMD for this reason?

What is bronzed and how do u apply?

I've been in the middle of Tomboy and girly girl for a while so I don't know all the makeup stuff :)

What to do when your husband/wife says he/she's tired of you?

If it's me, I will respect his decision, after all he cheated on me so its only fair that he needs to move out off my house without distracting our children. Our life will never be the same and trust is gone, and this is only my opinion, if I have a husband....merci beaucoup!!

French Help Please, I really appreciate it?

Do you think there is, perhaps, a little problem when you ask other people to do your homework for yo?

10 Points for any corrections to my french work (does not have to be complete)?

"Bonjour je m'appelle Jacques. Mon devoir est sur les hipsters. Les Hipsters aiment la mode, la musique indie et la satire. Les Hipsters habitent en general dans les grande villes comme par exemple : Paris, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco et Seattle. La mode de Hipster est unique. Pour la majorité des hipsters, la mode est un moyen d’expression. Les hommes préfèrent des jeans slim, des cravates slim, des chemise à carreaux et des chaussures. D'autres styles comprennent des costumes moderne. Les femmes portent des robes vintage, des jupes, des chemisiers et des ceintures uniques. Parfois les vêtements pour hommes sont plus serrés que les vêtements pour femmes. Un véritable hipster n'achete pas ses vetements chez Abercrombie & Fitch. Ils préfèrent les petites boutiques vintage. En ce qui concerne la musique, les Hipsters préfèrent les sons expérimentaux. La musique indie regroupe plusieurs genres comme la musique rock, rap et bien plus encore. La musique est trés importante pour le hipster. Elle leur donne de la personnalité. Ils aiment des groupes: The Velvet Underground, The Beatles, My Bloody Valentine et Sonic Youth. La plupart des Hipsters habitent dans des appartements. Ils les décorent avec de l’art. En generale dans un style postmoderne. L'art est important pour le maintien de leur identité culturelle. Les Hipsters aiment aussi la nourriture. Ils ne vont pas faire leurs courses dans les supermarchés. Ils préfèrent avoir des ingrédients frais. C'est pour cela qu'ils privilegient les marches. Les marchés des producteurs se spécialisent dans les aliments biologiques. Les Hipsters connaissent bien l'humour satirique. Ils l'utilisent pour se moquer de la culture populaire. Les Hipsters portent des t-shirts satiriques pour exprimer leur sens de l'humour. Aujourd'hui, la culture Hipster et la culture populaire sont presque identiques. L'humour satirique est partout et la musique indie est tres repandue. Les Rappers comme Kanye West portent des jeans skinny et des groupes indie comme Vampire Weekend ont des millions de vues sur Youtube. Les magasins comme American Apparel et Urban Outfitters ont popularisé le Hipster. Une véritable Hipster est difficile de trouver. Je vous remercie de votre ecoute.

How do i know watt color lipstick to use?

okay i use mary kay make up and my shade is a bronze 4 and i want to start wearing lip stick but i donk know watt shade to use . But the thing is i want like an everyday color and a dramatic color cause i dyed my hair jet black and i want my lips to pop . if u cant help . just let me know who im i suppose to talk to for advice like this.btw is there a brand eyeliner that i can buy that goes on smooth that comes in a really dark black

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is this a good gaming computer and video render computer? BTW Building Myself?

Yes it is okey. But regarding the processor, there aren't many softwares and games that can fully utilize six cores. Infact most of them will give you the same results as in a four core processor. So you can save a little money there (if you want). And pick a good power supply as well, like a 750 or 800 watt, to give the system the juice it needs and future proofing for crossfire. And pick a 2.1 speaker system at least. You'll feel great listening to music. I give your system 8.5 out of 10, regarding it's an AMD system.

Fluent French speakers? How do you say this sentence?

Honn�tement, pour l'instant, je ne voudrais pas vivre ailleurs et qu'importe o� je voyagerais dans ma vie: Nottinghamshire sera toujours chez moi (or "ma maison" but i prefer "chez moi").

Do you like the reason why I named my character this?

My main characters name is Keaira Denver Hayden Caswell, she was somewhat named after her aunt who's name was Keaira Denver Caswell, her dad really loved his sister who practically raised his since all his parents did was beat them and drink, her mom made her dad add in the Hayden part in cause it creeped her out that she was named after someone who had been brutally murdered, the name means little dark one and Keaira has ashy blonde hair and light green eyes and a light olive skin tone so she feels conflicted on the name she feels honored to have the name someone her dad loved very much to be her namesake but she hates the name is nothing like her, it was exactly like her aunt who had bronze skin, black hair, and brown eyes. She has to learn that it doesn't matter what the name means it matters why it was given to her.

How do you get a bronze star for a vechile in battlefield bad company 2?

ok so theres a pin for gettn all bronze stars for a vechile some are self explanitory but, how do you get a bronze star for a atv or a jet ski?

I need help translating french to english ;)?

soo i asked my girlsfriend sister what doesmy girl say bout me and she told me....but in french -_-''! soo help translate? ;D ehhh? lmaoo kk wel heres what she said '' Elle me di que tu est un garco tres sympa est beau, et que tu es tres amusant aussi :) et que ell te l'aime beaucoup lol'' sooo yeah? ;D the e in tres has like a small line above it and in the word garco under the c theres like a j looking thingy idkk if thats suppose to be there but ya ;) helpp?

What makeup with a long white maxi dress with blue/green print is the best?

I would cover your full lid with a light silver or gold and than use the aqua on the outside of the lid and all the way up in the crease.

Can somebody help me with my computer build?!?!?!?

I looked at the entry, then went to If you buy the components yourself it'll only be around $200.00 (the newegg case of the same model actually comes with a slightly more powerful power supply). Since you're not afraid to add drives, why not just do a build yourself and save a bit more money? Newegg offers barebones DIY combos at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a - you can also check at The combo at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a is one example - it's pretty much complete for under $500.00.

What is the email address for Chez Pierrot, 9 Rue Amelie, Paris, France?

I would like to visit soon, but would like to send an email rather than use a phone number or reservation website. Tried search engines.. :( Merci beaucoup! :D

Color scheme help. What color should I paint walls?

So I'm moving into my mom's basement to help her out and I need to repaint her walls. Someone gave me dark cherry flooring that's a floating floor. The floor might not be enough to cover the entire basement floor so I'm gonna probably buy either a remnant of carpet or a area rug. I just ordered a couch and chair that are black leather with white stitching to go in a corner. It's a pretty big basement. My problem is that I don't know what color to paint the walls that will compliment the flooring. Before I was given the floor, I was gonna do a dark brown called Golden Bronze by Glidden but now I'm thinking of a lighter brown. Either way, I'm gonna paint the trim an off white or cream color. So which color should I choose: darker brown or a lighter tan colored brown?

First time driving advice, car, insurance etc.?

Im 16 and I should be driving by 17, however I do have a a bit of an issue on deciding what car I should go for. Firstly my budget will be about �2000-�3000 and I don't really want the insurance too be over �2500 yearly, (couple of hundred over is affordable) i'm thinking of a golf mk2, as they are fairly cheap and insurance is cheap also. Any advice on first time driving experiences would be very helpful, also any advice on a car I should get would be satisfactory! :D

Poll: is �300 alot to spend on a months clothes?

I spent 250 a few weeks ago on handbag and few other things. My budget tomorrow is 300 should I be able to get some outfits for summer with that? I have 76.00 for my nails and brows this week which is not included.

Can I get into top UC's with these stats?

You have a pretty good chance, however in the UC system, ethnicity doesn't play a role in your acceptance.

Help with a french translation!?

can anyone translate "je vois, c'est un travail tres sd-rieux, avec de gros livpe et beaucoup de papiers sur une grande table" ? it's written on a shirt of mine and i'm just really curious what it means, thanks!

Have their been any sucessful movies shot entirely with a hand held video camera?

Sure I might be just another young adult with an idea and a video camera but have their been any sucsessful movies **** with a hand held and a shoe string budget?

Should I buy a 3D LCD TV, an LED TV, or a larger LCD TV?

I have budget 700$ to be exact. I cannot go over this. I have found the above TV's around that price. Which one is worth to get? We only get a TV once every 5 years or so, so I can't get the next one for 5 years.

What basic tools do I need for simple mosaic projects?

I need a new hobby and I've decided on mosaics. I've done various visual arts before(drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.) but this is mostly new to me and it's something I'm very interested in. I'm not working with a big budget so I need to figure out the least(and cheapest) I can get by with. By cheap I don't mean cheap quality, just low price. I'd like to start out with small projects using tile, pottery, and colored glass. So, what are the basics needed to get into this? Any recommendations on instructional books would be appreciated as well. And I don't need cheesy everything-included kits including templates and such. I'm a creative gal and prefer to design my own. I just need a shopping list. Thanks in advance.

What should i get my sister for her 24th birthday?

So its my sisters 24th in two weeks time, and i want to get her something really special, or just lots of little fun, useful presents, but i just don't know what, i have a budget of �30 since she just passed uni and has got a job in one of the biggest companies in her area, so this present is also part congratulations:) (my sister is really fashionable, always loses her phones and cameras or breaking them when she goes out clubbing) any ideas?

Republicans: In retrospect, do you think we shuold have paid down a little more of the National Debt?

If we hadn't gone to war or spent trillions on reckeless tax cuts for billionaires we would now have enough money to grow our way out of the recession.

Is my power supply going to do it?

It's cutting pretty close, but you should do fine. Keep in mind that with that PSU, you're not going to be able to add another video card, or even possibly upgrading the video card.

French - does this sentence make sense?

yes it does, but I would say just about GCSE standard. It may be too literal when properly translated.

Why should America have to go on a tightened budget while Obama continues to go on a spending spree?

Oh sure, but you don't have a problem with other millionaires spending the money they earned right? Or maybe you just have a problem with a black man having more money than you...

How can just cutting spending pay down our debt?

We still haven't found ways to pay for GW's prescription drug plan, Medicare Part D and his war for oil in Iraq? If we cut everything to zero except for Defense, Medicare and Social Security we still would need to borrow money to pay interest and to cover these ever expanding budgets.

Is this a good computer for gaming?

Everything is damn fine but the only problem I see might be with the brand of ur processor, switch to intel core 2 duo quad

What makeup should a 15 year old girl have?

types and brands. i'm fifteen and the only makeup i have and wear is eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow. i want to look better so what other types of makeup should i have. it doesn't have to be basics, just products that can improve appearance and a 15 year old girl can use. thanks. btw, i have dark bronze/brown skin, brown/black hair and chocolate brown eyes.

Does this french paragraph make sense?

Yeah. That's a nice touch, left-handedly complimenting your teachers in your work assignment. I wish I'd've thought of that in school.

Worth to upgrade or buy new pc?

You might be able to upgrade for cheaper if you can do the work yourself, but unless you really know what you're doing it's gonna cost you to get it upgraded by a pro or you'll have to get a friend/family member to do it for you. New PCs tend to cost less than the labour many pc guys would charge.

Vegan Duke of Edinburgh Food?

I'm doing my bronze dofe this weekend and am a Vegan. I really don't want to break it and haven't so far so it would be lovely if I have some guidance in food suitable for the expedition, thanks!

St Louis- Segway tours?

$65 is the cheapest rate for downtown tours. The tours in Forest Park are $80. However you can save $5 on the $65 downtown tour if you have a valid Metro transit ticket or pass, work for AG Edwards or are a member of Fast Trac Fitness. You might try on line to see if you can find any other coupons or check with the Visitors Bureau and Convention Center to see if they have any coupons. I know that that equipment is expensive and so is the insurance so that's why they charge what they do for the tours that last several hours.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I feel so unaccomplished in life?

Although I'm only 15, I feel as if my life has no worth in it. With every single thing I do, I feel as if there is always someone better out there in the world, and that I'm always second rate. Mostly, the things that I would like to accomplish, I can't, because my family is cut under short budget. But, seeing as I know many who are more fortunate than I am, they can get every single thing they can. I find it frustrating to see anything good about myself, and it's like my life is just so....underestimated. I understand that I have nearly no self esteem in myself, since my parents always praised me, as I am an only child. I find it hard to believe that when people compliment me, that it's actually true, but in the inside, I think that they just say that to make me feel good. I feel like I would like to change so much in my life, but I just don't know what to do.

Need help describing someones appearance?

You could say something like "She is far past being pretty but it would be exaggerated to say she was beautiful"? I'm not sure, that's the only sort of thing I got.

IPad home do I?

So my employer gives me this iPad to track budgets and someone emailed me their budget info on an excel spreadsheet. I saved it to the home screen and now I don't know how to delete do you do this?

Would you go to this birthday party?

Sounds great to me!! Being the mother of two young fine ladies now, 19 and 21. They would have thought it would be awesome. Im sure you and your guests will have a wonderful time!!!

True blue spa bronze bombshell self-tanning lotion shade need help?

I bought true blue spa bronze bombshell self-tanning lotion shade, at bath and body works, and it has a nozzle that says "first time, pump till lotion and tanner comes out" i kept pushing the button but it always stayed white. Is it suppost to do that? Or is it suppost to change color? I also tried turning it to a shade and it still came out white. Help!

Which is your favorito gymnasio? Qual' es su favorite gym?

Gold's, Bally's, 24 HR Fit, etc. Et pour qua? I am liking Gold's much now lately. Musica Buena. Je me place parce'que il a beaucoup de musique disco!! : ) Je l'aime parler/ecriter francais.

What to get my best guy friend for his 13 birthday?

he is like my best friend ive known him for about two years we are like brother and sister....he is turning 13 and is really into skating and shoes but idont know what to get him ! any ideas his birthday is in 2 days and i have a budget of lke 30$

Tips on building a Cat Condo?

Get wood and put carpet on it then build away. And no offense,if you're building a condo for your catS (inthesis on plural),you're loner. Great places to meet people are clubs,parks,and online sites.

What does this mean in french?

"Because you're a delicate flower that has little thorns, but much more beautiful petals. You are unjust."

How come the people that praise Sweden fail to mention it's been under a conservative coalition for 5 years?

They pick and choose what they want to see. In someways, Sweden is relatively conservative compared to rest of Europe. They are further right than us in gun laws, drugs and immigration.

Bokken swords: wooden vs. cold steel?

Me and my friend are having this Zombie-apocalypse survival kit making contest, so by the end of it we can have people vote on who they think would survive longest. I've chosen a wooden sword/bokken as my main weapon, because one: I am a HUGE anime fan and thus like Japanese swords a lot, two it seems light to hold and to be low maintenance, and three it seems like it would be a decent weapon. But reading the reviews on these swords on Amazon, it seems that these things are not unbreakable. I have around 20$ left in my budget. I can either buy two wooden bokkens ( , or one cold steel bokken( ) . Honestly though, I don't think a wooden bokken would fall apart from brains/skull-smashing alone(zombie apocalypse, remember?). BUT a steel one is obviously more durable and can be used to break stuff, also doesn't rot like wood sometimes might. I'm leaning towards the wooden ones right now mainly because the wooden ones have cord-wrapped handles, which I like a lot(and the second one would go great with my shinigami cosplay), and I get two. What do you guys think? which one should I get?

How do i correct this? its written in french.?

"Quand que j’étais en septième et huitième année, j'expérimentais avec beaucoup de choses."

Since Obama obviously can't balance our nation's budget do you think he writes many bad checks too?

Not as many bad questions you spam in the politics section. Jesus take a break from the computer, please.

What do you think of the name Jillie?

My best friend is named Jill, and she really hates her name, but it being so short and simple, there isn't much room for serious nicknames. The only thing we could come up with was Jillie, not the most original, I know, but we wanted some outside opinions. Do you like the name Jillie? Can you imagine a teenager/adult called Jillie? What do you imagine a Jillie to look like? Merci beaucoup :)

Some more make up questions... :)?

For my eye shadows it depends on what im wearing & i dont wear blush but i use liquid eye liner for the top & bottem :)

How does the VIP package for Backstreet Boys work?

I know the different types but does the Platinum happen first (like the tour backstage) and then the sound check? Or is the sound check first and then the rest like the Q and A and then the meet and greet photos, HELP! I only have Bronze so please let me know! thanks :)

How to say,........ (FRENCH)?

"L'ann�e pass�e, je suis all� en croisi�re. Cela a �t� une exp�rience fantastique. Il y avait beaucoup de jeunes alors je me suis fait beaucoup d'amis. Je parle encore � certains d'entre eux sur Internet / l'ordinateur."

Is the Brother x5 Sewing Machine Good?

I've got a small budget but want a decent sewing machine. Is Brother x5 sewing machine good... Personal Experiences would be good. And other machines under �80 would be great too...

What are my chances for these universities?

Im not an admissions officer and I will never pretend to be but your resume is VERY impressive, I can't say I know whether you will get in or not but you have very good chance I believe because you are SO very well rounded, seriously. My only advice is to get those SAT scores up (I got a 1930 on mine and Im pretty upset because I wanted a 2100+ but that requires hard work and study so I will have to buckle down otherwise it limits my college options) I think with you being an honors-ap student (my school doesnt have very many AP classes, only two and Im taking both next year) you should easily get above a 2000, that's what I've been told but it surely isn't "easy" haha, keep working hard and I wish you the best of luck! I am also applying to SUNY Binghamton

What will be the effect of California's expiration of tax increases?

If a team of the best scientists in the world got together to figure out an equation to fix California, they'd commit suicide. CA is done with buddy.

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh- 'keeping track' booklet help!?

i think for the log book theres somehing about length of time and its either 3 or 6 months so i think your teachers just pointing out a technical detail in something you have to do on the dofe website login feature or track book, i wouldnt worry about it :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

What would be the best graphics card for my computer?

sorry man there is no way you can handle crysis on your currant rig. 150 dollars will buy you a decant graphics card that will play crysis but not on max settings. also you processor is slow so it will bottleneck you graphics card. the card will push out more then the cpu can handle. also you power supply is tiny. it cant handle most of the graphics cards on market right now that are able to handle crysis. lastly your ram is sub-par you would want atleast 6 gb you only have 3. your aging/ low end rig cant handle this. if you really want to play crysis, get more ram,a bigger psu and a radeon 6850 and you might be able to play on medium and possibly high. crysis is a very demanding game you need a powerfull computer to play it. the game will crush you computer man trust me.

Starcraft 2: Tips for playing Zerg? Fastest most effective Build Order? Help!?

I got Starcraft 2 about a week ago, I started with Terran, found that boring, then i tried zerg, I think its alot more fun then Terran. Me and my 2v2 partner (Protoss) were placed in Bronze League, we win when we rush, but when we stay back and try to build an effective army, we FAIL. Help please <3

How much of a budget should I make for a small wedding?

2000-5000 dollars are good price ranges for small weddings. Homemade food is a really good idea thoug(:

Does the bronzing dry oil spray intensifier by australian gold work?

Ive been trying to get really dark this summer and nothing seems to be working. My mom doesn't allow me to go to tanning beds. I'm 15 and totally aware of skin cancer so if your just going to tell me not to tan .... DONT ANSWER (: 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER

.925 Silver Anybody ?

Ok so i need to buy a quick and cheap anniversary gift (1 year) for my gf and im wanin to get her a couples ring that comes engraved and/or birthstones. also i am on A VERY TIGHT BUDGET so please keep the site suggestions on the minimum budget range. i need this gift in about 2 weeks or less so please give me feed back its gladly appreciated.

Would a Morris Minor be a good first/starter car?

HI, I have recently passed and had high hopes to buy a car, However sorry to burst your bubble but car insurance is EXPENSIVE ! mine was �9,000 !!! So I reckon you should start of with a small engine car where the insurance group will be low. Eg, fiat 500, ford kia, or smart car etc..

I've written a story in French. Would any French people like to read it?

Is it easy French ? I speak a little but Im certainly not fluent . I wouldnt mind having a go though :) x

Can you shave your legs the day after applying self-tanner?

I applied self-tanning lotion last night, slept in it, and woke up beautifully bronzed! I don't want to mess it up, will shaving my legs mess it up, also will using a loofah be a bad idea, should I use a washcloth instead so it doesn't exfoliate the skin off? thank you for all your answers. [=

Why did Blizzard make Zerg so over powered?

Alright all of my fellow Starcraft 2 players, this is no secret, why is Blizzard so intent on making Zerg so OP? I mean I'm a bronze league Terran and every time I go online to play on my ladder, I lose to Zerg's zerglings, banelings, roaches, and most of all mutalisks. Every strategy I go against these zerg players causes me to lose. Strategy 1, mass marines is countered by banelings. Strategy 2, tank marine is countered by zerglings, banelings, and mutalisks. Strategy 3, Thors lose to mutas (although the game says thors counter mutas.) Then if I don't act fast enough I get 6 pooled. My fellow protoss friends agree in this belief because speedlings always destroy them. So, I conducted an experiment of playing 10 ladder games against each race. First, I play against Terran opponents and win 7 of 10. Then I play 10 against protoss which I win 8 of them. But then I face the Zerg players and only win 2. So why does Blizzard make Zerg, so overpowered?

Clothing ideas for 6th grade?

Well it pretty much seems like your ready fo school 'cause that's a lot of clothes! You could wear cute head bands from Forever 21 or any store, you could also try a french braid maybe? i hope this helped a little, have fun and good luck.(:

Will this PC run GTA IV on high settings?

Here is the PC build a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a its custom build and that's the list of components, i need a budget PC that can run games on med-high, but i really want GTA IV to run on high

How to get into silver in starcraft 2 3v3?

im now #1 bronze on 3v3 and im not earning any points for some reason, and im not promoted into silver, any one know how to do that? thanks :)

Which ring should I get my girlfriend?

If this is little more than just a friendship ring, then just a "promise" ring would be in order, and the brand shouldn't really matter until things get more serious, when engagement for marriage is discussed. And Tiffany is usually the ultimate for quality and price, so $200 doesn't go far there.

Obama urged the congress to not take a......? until they pass a budget dealing with the debt. Then again, "he" adds to that debt by heading off with his family on holiday to Camp David after Michelle returns from her adding to the debt from $800,000 tax payer funded holiday to Africa with the kids. Are libs not getting this?

Help with French, please?

Quand j'avais 10 ans je jouais de la trompette depuis 3 ans. Mais je n'�tais pas tr�s bon car je ne pratiquais pas beaucoup.

What is Catholicism and how do I become Catholic?

Catholicism is the true church of Jesus Christ. It is pure Christianity. All other churches are just watered down versions. To become Catholic, you need to take RCIA classes to learn the basics of the Catholic faith. Those are usually offered in the Fall and you complete them around Easter and you take your first communion at the Easter Mass and that's when you're confirmed in the Catholic Church. Yes, you can attend Mass but don't take communion, just cross your arms and ask the priest for a blessing when you get to him.

Make Pretty Jewelry for Cheap?

I'm 17, and super bored. I wanted to do some type of craft, and I thought I could make jewelry. But, I don't wanna make the baby kid stuff, I wanna make something that looks good, and stylish, and possibly something I could sell for cheap. I don't know where to start, what to buy, or how to make jewelry. Any tips? Websites? I'm really interested in making the jewelry and possibly selling it too, but I also have a tight (and small) budget. All help is appreciated! :)

Are there any websites set up by the EU directly?

Just looking for some links, some info (especially websites in Ireland/benefit Irish workers etc. would be great) Merci beaucoup :P

God's wrath prevented by bronze or steel weapons?

I once read something about an obscure passage in the Bible which suggested God wasn't able to bring his wrath down on a certain army because their weapons/arms were made of a certain material, either steel or bronze. Anyone know what that might be in reference too?

Where should I spend my 21st birthday? (Las Vegas, New Orleans or Miami)?

Okay, just to give you a little more detail. I will be turning 21 in May of 2012. Im an African American female student at Penn State and my friends (about 4-8 other females) and I like a wide range of music. House, Hip Hop, Rock and John Mayer-y type of music suits us (As far as clubs go). We are mostly on a tight budget (Luckily our hotel is paid for) So I'm looking for a place that offers a variety of things to do at affordable prices and also is pretty easy to get around (i.e. Public Trans or Most things in walkable or taxi-able distance) I don't drink but my friends do, So affordable drinks would be great also :) Thank you!!

Why does my cousin do this when we're having sex?

Well I don't know why it's midway through, but having the condom off feels better for the guy and the girl so that's probably why. The sex between you two is good, but if she can have it even better I'm sure she's thinking "why not?".

The world's most expensive dress? What do ya think?

I would take it, wear it and sell it to a sucker and donate the money . But I will never buy a $12 mil dress no matter how rich i become. That's just too selfish!!!!

Im building a gaming pc and need to know a few things.?

Hmmm, small world. I just built two of almost this exact computer earlier today, one for me and one for my wife. Same Mobo, Processor, and RAM (but only 4GB, more isn't really necessary/useful yet.) The only real difference is I went for the WD Caviar 1.5TB, because it runs on SATA 6.0, which doubles the transfer rate over the SATA 3.0. The motherboard has built in SATA 6.0 ports (they're the white ones). Word of advice, for your single GPU to actually run at PCI 16x, you need to plug it into PCI port #2 (the blue one) and use the enclosed (w/Mobo) Video Graphic Card to fill PCI 16x slot # 1. Not sure why they designed it that way... I'm powering with a Corsair 750w, the 600 should be enough, but maybe not if you ever decide to SLI a 2nd graphics card into the Mobo (of course if you did, both cards would be limited to PCI-8x, once again, what's with this Mobo and its GPU configurations!! Running a higher capacity PSU at a lower constant total percentage of maximum load is cheaper in the long run (it converts power more efficiently), that's the main reason I went with the 750. Oh, and btw, these two computers run fast as all hell... very decent for the bargain price. Just make sure you get an aftermarket CPU fan if you're going to overclock it. (I went with the Cooler Master Hyper 212+)

Proof read my French postcard for a final project?

Actually, there is much mistakes in your text (orthography AND sense of sentences, there's some sentences which have no any sense). That's why I think nobody will can correct this without the original text ! If you want I could help you to correct it at dai__[at] (with 2 underscores _), because there is many mistakes !

What do I do now? Spray tan messup!?

Okay so yesterday I got one of those mystic tans, the bronzing one. And when I got out of the booth I literally spent about 20 minutes rubbing it in all over with a towel. I woke up this morning and I was streaky all over, and it was completely uneven. And it wasn't just one of those things where it kinda bothers me but only I can see it, it was REALLY noticeable. Then I took a shower just now and used a loofah and some soap to really scrub the problem areas. I got out and now I'm just as streaky and uneven, but now I'm paler and I'm like a pale-orangey color. I look horrible! What do I do?

Is the Brother x5 Sewing Machine Good?

I've got a small budget but want a decent sewing machine. Is Brother x5 sewing machine good... Personal Experiences would be good. And other machines under �80 would be great too...

What should I do for my French senior project?

I'm a senior in college and I am a French/German major. I need to complete a capstone in order to graduate. I have to choose a topic, make a valid argument/statement/defense, write at least 30 pages, and then make a public presentation with all of the information, as well give any visual aids. The topic choice is SO BROAD. I can basically choose from anything and everything that has to do with French culture, language, history, etc. from any Francophone country. I originally wanted to discuss reproductive rights in France, but now I am leaning towards a topic with either an art history background or with literature. My problem is, I need a good argument. Please help! Merci beaucoup !

Why on fifa 11 does my contracts not got to my squad?!?

on fifa 11 ultimate teams if i buy anything better than a bronze it says it goes to my consumable pile but when ever i try to assign the contracts it does not show them and when i buy more it says that i have 17/... consumables filled but i cant find them, how do i find them ?!? :(

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How can I learn Quebecois French in Ohio?

I live in NE Ohio. I'm teaching myself Quebecois French by tweeting and FB'ing with people, listening to RDS (major Habs fan) and listening to Quebec radio. I'm better than I was but nowhere near fluent. Short of trying to emigrate to Quebec and taking the government courses, is there a way/place/person who could formally teach me Quebecois French here? I would like to live in Montreal one day. Merci beaucoup! :)

Help with French sentences! 10 points!?

nationalit� is a feminine noun, and in your sentence it is singular - so, the adjective must also be feminine singular - americaine.NO capital letter, as it is an adjective, not a proper noun.

Buying condos in bay area california?

im planning to buy a condo in bay area, california (south bay preferably) and was wondering how to go about it. My budget is about 350~400K and i'm looking for 2 Bd/2BR in south bay (mostly sunnyvale/santa clara etc). Is it advisable to buy a condo? I'm looking like staying here for about 5~6 years and then go back to INDIA, may be sell this place...rents are ridiculously high and i feel it is better to buy a condo instead....any suggestions for realtors? any tips on what to watch out and any guidelines?

New to this need real advise people who experienced my drama with thurrock council?

my mother died in 2003 myself and my brother lived their for 16 years my mother was 45 died breast cancer at that time my brother was 21 and i was 25. 6 mths after mums deaths i left my home as i had looked after my mum and cld not deal with being in the home i asked council to rehouse me we all worked so help was really limited i was told i wld go on waiting list. my brother continued to live in his home of 16 years and would have his 2 children 2-3 times per week. 18mths after my brother had paid from his account full council rent and council tax was told he was evicted on underoccupying the home. 6 years on he is still homeless bronze band? they then took my father who had divorced my mum and had bought new council home with his partner 1991 to court for charges related to our home for flooring furniture they went on 1988 tenancy when parents were together and our father know does not spk at all to us. he is blacklisted my brother and i homeless and feel so let down by what is right from wrong and how corrupt council is xx pls if u had simular problem share with me

How many practices do you have to do for Gold DofE?

I have done my silver Dofe and my bronze DofE so I was wondering how many practice expeditions someone has to do before the gold assessment?

French, how to say "to be paired up with someone"?

aller ensemble -it means go together or vas,y ensembles- that;s plural also it;s a hard language to learn but once you get it it stays good luck

Make up face primer and moisturizer?

I need a inexpensive makeupf ace primer and moisturizer that will satisfy me. I have normal/combo skin I can wear just about anything and don't have a problem with breakouts. MY skin color is a carmel tan, in Estee Lauder i wear Foundation: Bronze and in Maybelline i wear 320 Honey Beige. I always wear a moisturizer before i put add my foundation. I just need a good primer that will help balance everything out. I'm currently using Micabella moisturizer and i want to find something else. Im not looking to spend over at least 11.00 So please don't offer anything above my price point.

Is it bad to color your hair when you colored it yesterday?

like some times people put in 2 colors but icolored all a deep chocolate bronze and i want blomnde streaks in it .

6850 requires 500watt power supply. does it really need 500watts?

I had that PSU. Of course you can run it. Your whole system won't break 200w while gaming. A 6-pin is a 6-pin!

Fakebake tanning bed how long till you see results?

go with l'oreal or jergens. stay away from the beds! They are WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY worse than natural light!

Extremely low budget decorating ides...?

I want to re decorate my living/entertainment room. Its a small apartment space and am on very tight budget. Anyone with some low costly tips would be wonderful. Also I am not buying new furniture, I am working with what I already have!

French use of du- French speakers?

Beaucoup de is a phrase and always stayst that way! The third one has de because the sentence is negative. When you have a negative sentence, you ONLY use de. Ex. Je n'ai pas de baladeur. I don't have an ipod

Teenage girls.............?

Where can i shop for underwear that ISN'T 5 for $25...? i have been going to pink/victorias secret but my budget is getting too tight for that): (and if they were a little more in-style thatd be great) thanks!

What bit shall I use to encourage a bend on a young horse?

I am currently riding my welsh d mare (4yrs) in a loose ring sweet iron bit with bronze rings, I'm not sure on the name. I am unsure on how to encourage a bend using the correct equipment while she is young. I ride her correctly and work her from underneath and ensure she uses her behind but still she only bends when she feels like it in walk. I have been told to use double reigns and pelham but I would have thought that would be too strong for such a young mouth? Perhaps a bungee? Please help, all answers welcome and the best and most polite will be given five stars. Thank you.

How much would a train carriage cost to buy privately... a decommissioned one?

I ask because I think this could be easily converted into an unusual unique home, even with a small-ish budget.

What does this french sentence mean?

Is it a title of something? Because if so, it means either the rose of lisieux or it means the pink of lisieux

What type of telescope should i get?

i want to buy a decent telescope that will allow me to view the planets in our solar system and some of the stars/gases of the milky way (if possible) unfortunately my budget is $800. i need a suggestion for a good beginners telescope. THANKS

Why do people have so much faith in doctors?

I hear ya! I have lost ALL faith in doctors since they let my husband die! How do they choose who lives and who dies???

Screen/Storm Door Hardware?

I work for a custom door manufacturer. We sometimes make wood storm doors to go along with our entry doors. We make very high quality product so I'm trying to find a storm/screen door latch/lock that is also decent quality while not being over $100. The storm/screen doors are usually 1 3/16" - 1 3/4" thick. I don't have a preference regarding whether its a knob, lever, push/pull latch, etc. but it needs to be good quality and have several finish options (we use oil rubbed bronze a lot). Anyone know of a good supplier? Preferably somewhere online that you can purchase easily. Thanks so much for your help.

What is the best LED television for people on a budget?

I am moving in with my best friend who only has an old, 42 inch television. We are looking for a flat screen tv, preferably LED, must be in the forty inch range and have 1080 resolution. I have found a few tvs like this in the four hundred dollar range, but I know nothing about tvs. What is the best tv fitting these parameters in the four hundred dollar range?

Is anybody else always second best?

Yeah I'm a girl and I have a brother like that but he's really nice. U should go to someone whowould take it seriously,like a counselor.

Help? i want to achieve my dream<3</3?

so..basically...i do gymnastics. i love it to bits and i have been doing it since i was about nine. im now 13. but recently its been really hard. some of my close friends started laughing at me when i try my best and land on my head or something. your probably thinking that im learning layouts and stuff. when all im learning is a roundoff backhandspring tuckback. and i never want to try anything new because im scared people will laugh at me. i have no confidence in my self. every gymnastics lesson i go to, i always end up in tears. thinking about my dream and how far i could go with gymnastics if i just believed in myself and had confidence. my dream is to become a olympic gymnast. just to compete in the olympics. not to try and get a gold silver or bronze medal. but all i want is to be good enough to compete in the olympics. but it will never happen:'[ and i always cry about it everynight. i listen to songs about dreams coming true. and i cry when i listen to them aswell. it sounds stupid but i cant help it. i would like to know if you think i could get in the olympics one day and if theres any point in me believeing in myself. please tell the truth. because if i get told i will make the olympics and i should start believing in myself...then my dream dont come will break my heart so much more than someone i dont know answering this question saying i dont have a chance atall to get into olympics. i would much prefere to be told i have no chance than in years to come i cant make my dream when someone told me i would. thank you...and please be truthful! your honest opinion. i wont mind. i just wanna know. bye!

What do you have to do in A level Theatre and Acting?

I am in Year 8 and part of a youth theatre, I'm currently on the verge of finishing Bronze arts award. I am taking music GCSE and performing arts outside of school. If was to take performing arts at A level, what would I have to do?

Which is the best laptop for a doctor?

A Mac would be out of your price range. Try this laptop recommender: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is this a good High End Computer Build?

Everything looks good but if you wanted reall really good you need more ram, my desktop has 50, but that's only because I do heavy graphic and 3d designs and animations

Advice for girls who have natural golden/bronze looking skinetones?

If u want ur skin to look darker wear lighter colors like white, light grey, yellow, pink, aqua blue, and anything neon (except orange). For lighter looking skin wear dark colors. I prefer not to wear make up and just let it be all natural. I mean I always wear lip gloss and every now and then I wear eye liner and mascara. I have naturally rosy cheeks so I don't worry about blush but u may wanna use some. As far as skin care I don't have problems wit acne. I just wash my face every morning and night and I'm fine. Hope I helped. :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Can you answer this fantastic riddle?

A hunter met two shepherds, one of whom had three loaves and the other, five loaves. All the loaves were the same size. The three men agreed to share the eight loaves equally between them. After they had eaten, the hunter gave the shepherds eight bronze coins as payment for his meal. How should the two shepherds fairly divide this money?


It is a kind of history lesson, as the Thames has seen it all, even before it was known as the Thames, even before there was a real England, even before there was written history

What is a good budget amplifier?

I need a 500 watt amplifier but I'm on a tight budget, im looking for something under 200 but will still work with my two 12" subs, the run 225 rms and 450 peak watts, any ideas?

Does anyone have a Virgin America promo code?

Promo codes are normally only associated with fares that are on sale. They are not normally available for just any flights at any times. Keep checking their website, be flexible with your dates and buy as far ahead as possible.

IPhone Question? please help me?

Okay so I'm going to AT&T and really want an iPhone but I'm on a budget should I get the iPhone 3GS for $49 or iPhone 4 for $199? I really want an iPhone 4 but for saving money should I just get iPhone 3GS?

How do I unlock the final star on Super Mario Galaxy 2?

I have 241 stars, no bronze stars, all comet medals even in grandmaster, but final star, The Perfect Run, hasn't come and I dont know what to do so how do I get that last star to appear I've done everything I can think of. Someone who's beaten the whole game please respond :)

Heart racing/stopping in french?

il a subi / il a endur� / il a �prouv� ... des exp�riences terrifiantes et palpitantes/ stup�fiantes

How can I make my wedding reception traditional and non-traditional/creative at the same time?

I would like to incorperate some non traditional events during my wedding reception that will be held August 13th 2011 @ 4pm... What types of things could i do on a low-ish budget. I am 21, my fiance is 23 and i have a 3 year old daughter. Our reception is going to be alcohol-free, so keep that in mind, please.

Leave USA to France to become a Pilot?

Me and the owner of my flight school were talking about it and he said that its WAY more expensive to just fly in France or Europe with a lot more restrictions let alone get your own license, that's why a lot of europeans come to America for flight schools. Avoir de la chance vous habitez en Am�rique!

White, Black or bronze turkeys to rear up for christmas?

I want to get some turkeys to rear up for christmas and the person i am buying off has Black, Bronze and white turkeys. I am not sure wich ones to get or a mixture. Please help me..

When will I graduate from boot camp if Aug 8th is my first day?

I leave for MCRD San Diego Aug. 7th, Aug. 8th will be my first day actually at MCRDSD. I need to know when I will graduate from boot. I know they D.I's will tell me when I'm there but a lot of my family needs to know ASAP because they are driving there and have to budget. Can you help me please?

Is my power supply going to do it?

youll be fine mate its when you start putting in 2 gpus or extremely powerful processors that a large pwu 650w+ is required.


Don't stress, you'll get in. Most schools take a holistic approach when reviewing your application, so your GPA isn't so important, and you seem very well-rounded-- your extracurriculars are phenomenal. Just write a kick-*** application essay.

My dog was abused plz help me!?

Ok it all began with my 17 year old Husky mix becoming more and more weary of strangers, she would become anxiety provoked whenever strangers would approach her so I brought her to a trainer who was supposed to help intoduce her to new people and help her overcome her increasing fear of people. I want her to live her last years in peace. She is an old Katrina rescue; she's had nothing but a hard life and before Katrina was used sadly as a bait dog for fighting rings. She has lost one eye hence her name Popeye. She is extremely kind and loving despite the horrors of her past, i love her to death and i think she's the perfect dog on earth, she NEVER bit, snarled, bit or growled, NEVER, even when my nephew came over and accidently stepped on her tail, she whined and shyed away, i've never seen such tolerance from a pet, shes perfect in every way and i just wanted her to not have any more stresses or fears in her life, which is almost done sadly. I got her 4 years ago... Anyway i'll get to my point, i brought her to a trainer for 3 weeks along with my puppy brown lab for 3 weeks to help introduce her to strangers and train the lab named Farro. When i got back to pick them up my worst fears came true, i saw the trainer through the window kick, yank their collars very forcefully she even said in her defense if the dog doesn't sit when u yank it then u didn't do it hard enough. I was stunned, mortified and in utter horror and shock, i called the police and now have a pending lawsuit against this "trainer", my question is even though the dogs seem suprsigly ok right now, they seem fine but i'm scared to death that this will change their loving attitude toward strangers and new people or myself. I really love their frinedly dispositions and would love for them to remain friendly and happy, to stay who they are and not become fearful, shy, agressive or anxious. Do you think that dogs live in the moment and will forget this experince? I hope and pray to god every day now that they will and now a week after the thing happened they are just as loving and friendly as they were before this. This scares me a little as they seem unphased by this treatment and altough i'm grateful what can i do? I may lose my job because of the lawsuit and if i lose the sueing could come my way and i could run out of money because i'm on a tight budget but my morals on the treatment of animals are above my own job in my eyes... Anyway plz give me ur insight on whether u think they are fine since they behave just as loving and friendly or whether this has affected them? It just breaks my heart because both dogs don't need this at all, no dog (animal) does... Especially a dog that has been though hell and back, Katrina, and a fighting ring for 10 years, a dog like that deserves nothing in its life but peace, love and compassion, and the puppy Farro makes me mad that he was treated like that, a puppy deserves nothing but love and gentle giudence, i hope this doesn't affect him at all. Please please help me, i'm beside myself and i feel so incredible guilty for bringing them to this "trainer" a.k.a. abuser, people like that have no right to call themselves trainers and i think that more checks and background checks should be done before people are allowed to call themseves dog trainers, get this the lady said she thougt the dogs needed to be taught a lesson in basic obeindence. God knows what this lady has put other pets through.... I cried my eyes out for 3 nights straight after this and now i just want her to be sued and her dog training lisece revoked. Thank you for the help and please no hurtful or mean comments!

Anyone who speaks french?

yes, but it's "Holly et moi avons achet� beaucoup DE chocolat", but the tense is ok, it means "Holly and I have bought a lot of chocolate"

Which is the cheapest graphic card in India?

I want to buy a graphic card but i am a very very tight budget. So i want to know which is the cheapest graphic card (probably in Delhi) so that i can update my pixel shader version.

Why does this happen when i wash my clothes?

when I wash my clothes I get tissue all over them when there was no tissues in my pockets. I use budget washing powder and i seem to get more tissue matter the less powder i use.

Full Tower or Mid Tower Cases that will accept ITX or Micro ITX Boards?

you should ask this question on and they will give you a better answers and its a forum

Will honey lighten my hair?

Darker-milk chocolate color hair with light bronze highlights. Mix it in with conditioner with cinnamon? I heard lemon juice is TERRIBLE!

French People Help W/ Translation!!!!?

Wanting such a long tatoo is nonsense! Moreover, there's no punctuation in the message which makes it difficult to understand: where do each sentence stop??

Maingear Vybe Stock - Worth the buy?

I know that Origin will lower their price if you call or email them. Especially if you send them your config and say beat this other company. It's always cheaper to build your own, but going with a company that will give you lifetime support and if you checked them out to make they provide good service it's well worth it.

High school/College info?

Whoa great scores and extra curricular. Just keep doing what you're doing and try not to slip up. You're off to a really good start.

My wife likes to stay out late.?

This has started as of two weeks ago. I've met the friends she hangs out with and have no problem with them....mostly. there are one or two i just don't trust. This weekend we went to phoenix to have a small getaway. We got back at about 7 pm today. Within an hour, we both had showered and i was looking for a movie for us to watch. She was already outside with her friends again. She had told me earlier this was our weekend. Just a few minutes ago, i called her on it. she said and i quote, "I just spent the night with you and most of today." When i said she basically said that was our weekend she got defensive saying she never said that. It's twelve in the morning and she is out the door again. What can i do or say to show her that i care and just want to spend time with her? I tried everything i can think of. going over-budget to take this trip, cleaning the house myself, cooking for her, basically bending over backwards to spend time with her. its not working.

What does this sentence in french mean?

My mother suffered a lot of discomfort where we lived, and she often had harsh words for her husband, veiled and sly reproaches - or so I think from French lessons years ago and google translate!

Bronze DofE Expedition At 13?

Ok, So, I'm in the Air cadets and in September I'm meant to be doing my Bronze DofE expedition but I'll still be 13, Six days off being 14 so I was wondering if I should be doing my expedition or not? Please answer soon as I'll have to talk to my Squadron Sergeant soon, Thanks!

Help with my french homework!!!Its really difficult for me?

Why don't you try to do at least SOME of these? There must be SOME you can do. Then we'll be glad to help correct and improve. Remember anyone who gives you all the answers straight off isn't interested in helping you, they only want to show off how clever they are. And STILL they often make mistakes ...

Will this graphics card suffice for 3d modeling and cad?

next year my engineering class is going to to use a program called autodesk inventor as well as some other 3d modeling program. im building a new computer but im trying to save some money. will a radeon hd 6770 suffice? if not will a radeon 6850? im pretty sure the 6850 will but like i said i have a budget so if a 6770 will work i can use that extra money on something else. thank you in advance

Tiken Jah Fakoly song Africain a Paris translated to english?

I know some French, I have studied it for two years but some of this song I don't know how to translate to English. I also don't want to just use google translate because translators aren't reliable. Was wondering if a fluent French speaker could help me with laziness/confusion. Merci beaucoup

What are the best books on soil biogeochemistry (grad class)?

I'm taking soil biogeochemistry in the fall and I'm looking for books to help with things like calculations, soil budgets, etc. We have a book but I'm prepping early. Thanks!

Best Film Camera for a Short Film?

I'm a screenwriter with an interest in directing, yet I have no technical knowledge whatsoever. I require advice on which camera is best to afford the best quality HD imaging. At it's core the equipment must be simple enough to use, though I am no idiot. I have a large budget - �10k - but the equipment must have longevity in its field. Can you help?

Does he like me.. Please help?

He probably got the worng idea for that, but you said 16 of 17 colors he replied? He not just likes you, He madly really likes you! You must be a warm and loving girl. I hope the guy treats you with respect, protects you, cares for you, and....loves you. My I Recomend To Finish ORANGE? Orange bright but not as beatiful as you. Good luck!

What to get a girl turning 16?

This girl loves Glee, Phantom of the Opera, McDonalds, and food. She DOES NOT know how to drive. The budget is 50$. Any ideas?

French to English (help please)?

They seem to right, i don't really understand your question. You can try using different translators

Why are there so many ugly parents?

It should also be illegal to be stupid,then you would be in big trouble. BTW your not really that cute,but if it makes you feel better to come on here and tell people that you are handsome,well I guess that's ok. You must just need something to validate your sorry existence,hope that helps. Lolz.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What makeup with a white maxi dress with blue/green print is the best?

All of those colors will likely complement the dress! But while the colors of the dress are important to know, the other crucial factor in selecting makeup is your skin tone and hair color. Gold tends to be a universal winner, while silver isn't always ideal for the exceptionally fair-complected. I've personally found some great tips in colors and application using youtube makeup tutorials--using a search for my skin tone and hair. Some are better than others, but they might give you some ideas! :)

Tanning lotion confusion, please help?

I just bought some Zero to Sexy brand Extreme Bronzing Seduction tanning lotion because I've been going to the tanning salon lately. I'm still pretty fair, and the back of the bottle says "recommended for serious tanners." I'm not sure what that means and I'm concerned that the lotion will make me burn because I'm still pretty pale.

Is this a good start? can i get a little help , tips , anything for my descriptive writing in my english class?

From the hill that leads to the beach is the most spectacular spot to watch the sunwirse , awakening the world from a restless sleep. The trees are dancing ever so effortlessly in the distance , providing gorgeous fresh air. The preserved nature of the golden sand gently layers it self for as far as the naked eye can see! the ultimate relaxation state is here for the taking ! seagulls and birds are already hunting for food that is scarce , swooping down every so often to battle over a greasy tressure that is found near a chip shop. The content sun is now pumping out sizzling heatwaves upon the bronze sunseekers , asking for more as sun creame start to vanish into their skin like a water swallowing a rock. Aggressive waves gather strenght like an army of liquified men crashing and then retreating. Perfect for surfers , terrifying for the young children as they tip toe back to their parents through the fiery grains of sand.

In French, what's the difference between a "gare" and a "gare routiere"?

They're both effectively stations, but we use "gare" for a train station, and "gare routiere" for the bus.

How Can I Make A Real Ground Explosion For A Film?

Without a permit and a licensed pyrotechnic specialist you can't. Even if you could get the materials and set it up safely all it would take would be one call to the cops and you'll be in jail.

Bell & howell DNV900HD with Phantom lite combo?

I intend on doing some paranormal investigations and this camera and light were the best things i could find with in my budget. I just want to know if anyone else uses this combo or heard anything about it. and if you do use it is the one phantom light enough light to see further distances or would 2 be better.

What would be a good car for me to get (USED, $5000 budget)?

I am a busboy in a New York City restaurant that my dad owns, and he pays me 50 dollars each day I work. I work three times a week. I have about 500 dollars as of yesterday and I will receive 550 tomorrow (day off today). If I plan to get a car in my senior year (2012-2013 school year), and I have around 5000 dollars by the time according to specific calculations, combined with 1500 I have in the bank now, what kind of car would be good for me to get (i.e. something durable even with 100,000 miles on it that will last me a good year or two) that's around that price? Please give some suggestions. Thanks!

How do i find someone to sponsor my new buisness venture?

i am looking to set up my own boxing gym,in the area that im living there is a high demand,and would be a fantastic opportunity for young children and adults alike,i have had experience in the boxing world all my life and am a 6 times welsh champion,silver medallist at the gaelic games,semi finalist british aba,as-well as 3 bronze at the golden gloves,so as you can see this would be a fantastic business opportunity,i thank you for taking the time to read about my business venture.

Can I connect my Netbook running on Windows 7 starter OS to an LCD Projector for powerpoint presentations?

I am a student and as such reporting is a big part of my life. I typically use powerpoint slides to show my reports. I recently buy a netbook with a Windows 7 starter since it is budget friendly. Now I heard that windows 7 starter has limitations. does this mean I cannot use my new netbook on Powerpoint presentations as I connect it to an LCD or projector?

Is Silver DofE worth it?

DofE will look good when your looking for a job, so i would suggest it ,but if you don't wanna do it then don't haha

I dyed the back of my hair in feb. a golden bronze color , it grew out a lot . now i want to dye my whole head?

so if im dying my hair the same color all around , for the back do i only dye the new growth ? or do i dye it normal like the first time ? i need help . thank you :)

What are some popular French songs?

Coure De Pirate or however you spell it is a really pretty singer, but she's more of classic and piano, not so much pop, but it's good.

Where can I buy these PC parts?

at your local pc store :) .... everything is good except the processor. i suggest you to buy intel processor instead ... you can check if you want

Will this PC work? First time PC builder?

hey change the motherboard to an am3 board and change the graphic card from nvidia to ati the ati raedon hd 6870 would be better otherwise amazing pc

Why are Republican traitors going to kow tow to the democrat budget when America needs long term debt solution?

We arent,,,,,we will FORCE the dems to agree to budget cuts and not to pick the pocket of the people

Warm glow or golden bronze?

hey, i am fairly tanned and have brown coloured skin and i'm looking for a bronzer. i've made my mind up that im getting the baked to last bronzer from the body shop. However i do not know whether to get shade 01-golden bronze or shade 02-warm glow?? check it out and please help mee!!!

Where are some cheap online baby stores?

does anyone know where some great online cheap baby stores?? Really would love to know, I am on a tight budget at the moment due to some bills... those suck lol Thanks for any advice Hope you all have an amazing 4th of July!

What makeup with a long white maxi dress with blue/green print is the best?

i think yo should go with the bronze all over your lid and then the gold on your crease then put the white o your browbone and inner corners of the eye. Since the dress sounds like it has some busy loud print then you should make your make up neutral so it doesn't look like too much is goin on. also pack on the color with the eyeshadows because even though it's a neutral look doesn't mean that you can't make it visible so that your eyes will pop.

Will lemon juice turn my hair a bronze color?

i have dark selena gomez brown hair. if i put lemon juice in it...NOT sun-in...will it get lighter or turn a bronze-orange color (which i dont want)?

Beginners SLR Camera? Easy 10 points!?

My budget is 415! i would NOT like a sony, i absolutley hate them ahah sorry ! :p I've been looking at the Nikon D-40 with the 18-55mm lens and I love it! But its quite old and I cant find it anywere! If you can find it please give me the link OR give me the link to any other camera you'd suggest! Thanks guys! <3 (:

Any ideas for a pairs-themed room?

over the summer, im planning to redo my room with a paris theme. ive looked at pictures online, but theyre all either too plain or too overdone. i want something that looks classy, but im working with a pretty tight budget. anyone have any design ideas that wont cost a whole lot?? pictures would be great!! thanks : )