Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My dog was abused plz help me!?

Ok it all began with my 17 year old Husky mix becoming more and more weary of strangers, she would become anxiety provoked whenever strangers would approach her so I brought her to a trainer who was supposed to help intoduce her to new people and help her overcome her increasing fear of people. I want her to live her last years in peace. She is an old Katrina rescue; she's had nothing but a hard life and before Katrina was used sadly as a bait dog for fighting rings. She has lost one eye hence her name Popeye. She is extremely kind and loving despite the horrors of her past, i love her to death and i think she's the perfect dog on earth, she NEVER bit, snarled, bit or growled, NEVER, even when my nephew came over and accidently stepped on her tail, she whined and shyed away, i've never seen such tolerance from a pet, shes perfect in every way and i just wanted her to not have any more stresses or fears in her life, which is almost done sadly. I got her 4 years ago... Anyway i'll get to my point, i brought her to a trainer for 3 weeks along with my puppy brown lab for 3 weeks to help introduce her to strangers and train the lab named Farro. When i got back to pick them up my worst fears came true, i saw the trainer through the window kick, yank their collars very forcefully she even said in her defense if the dog doesn't sit when u yank it then u didn't do it hard enough. I was stunned, mortified and in utter horror and shock, i called the police and now have a pending lawsuit against this "trainer", my question is even though the dogs seem suprsigly ok right now, they seem fine but i'm scared to death that this will change their loving attitude toward strangers and new people or myself. I really love their frinedly dispositions and would love for them to remain friendly and happy, to stay who they are and not become fearful, shy, agressive or anxious. Do you think that dogs live in the moment and will forget this experince? I hope and pray to god every day now that they will and now a week after the thing happened they are just as loving and friendly as they were before this. This scares me a little as they seem unphased by this treatment and altough i'm grateful what can i do? I may lose my job because of the lawsuit and if i lose the sueing could come my way and i could run out of money because i'm on a tight budget but my morals on the treatment of animals are above my own job in my eyes... Anyway plz give me ur insight on whether u think they are fine since they behave just as loving and friendly or whether this has affected them? It just breaks my heart because both dogs don't need this at all, no dog (animal) does... Especially a dog that has been though hell and back, Katrina, and a fighting ring for 10 years, a dog like that deserves nothing in its life but peace, love and compassion, and the puppy Farro makes me mad that he was treated like that, a puppy deserves nothing but love and gentle giudence, i hope this doesn't affect him at all. Please please help me, i'm beside myself and i feel so incredible guilty for bringing them to this "trainer" a.k.a. abuser, people like that have no right to call themselves trainers and i think that more checks and background checks should be done before people are allowed to call themseves dog trainers, get this the lady said she thougt the dogs needed to be taught a lesson in basic obeindence. God knows what this lady has put other pets through.... I cried my eyes out for 3 nights straight after this and now i just want her to be sued and her dog training lisece revoked. Thank you for the help and please no hurtful or mean comments!

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