Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My wife likes to stay out late.?

This has started as of two weeks ago. I've met the friends she hangs out with and have no problem with them....mostly. there are one or two i just don't trust. This weekend we went to phoenix to have a small getaway. We got back at about 7 pm today. Within an hour, we both had showered and i was looking for a movie for us to watch. She was already outside with her friends again. She had told me earlier this was our weekend. Just a few minutes ago, i called her on it. she said and i quote, "I just spent the night with you and most of today." When i said she basically said that was our weekend she got defensive saying she never said that. It's twelve in the morning and she is out the door again. What can i do or say to show her that i care and just want to spend time with her? I tried everything i can think of. going over-budget to take this trip, cleaning the house myself, cooking for her, basically bending over backwards to spend time with her. its not working.

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